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HRM Review Magazine:
Employee Engagement : Emotional Bond between Employer and Employee

Along with common financial incentives like increments, bonuses and other perquisites, a conducive atmosphere in the workplace also raises the employee to the level of an engaged employee, as he feels wanted and respected in the warmth of such a business ambience and develops a sense of trust in the employer.


Aristotle, the Greek Philosopher, said that, "Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work". Arguably, it may be interpreted as a significant statement that spotlights, les the `pleasure,' which, in turn, brightens up from an inner motivation in the employee propelled by a profound loyalty, a steadfast dedication and a deep concern for the prosperity and welfare of the organization. A Vietnamese adage also says, "When you eat the fruit, think of the person who labored to plant the tree." Undoubtedly, an enlightened corporate management team will be the first to recognize, motivate and reward the workforce that fashions a radiant balance sheet. If an employer or a management team claims success through `hard work,' the first question that will crop up in a keen mind is `whose hard work?' Behind all these achievements stands a team of employees, who feel a genuine solicitude for the welfare of their employers, as a healthy response to the thoughtful HRM practices of the employers aimed at what may be called `employee engagement.' These employees, who are known as `engaged employees,' develop an emotional attachment and an unflinching commitment to the interests of their employers.

In a study, the Management Development Institute has defined employee engagement and an engaged employee. It says an employee engagement is "a positive attitude held by an employee towards the organization and its values. An engaged employee is aware of the business context and works with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefit of the organization." The study further goes on to say that such an engaged employee also develops the special capability to attain `engaged performance', which is defined as: "A result that is achieved by stimulating employees' enthusiasm for their work and directing it toward organizational success. This result can only be achieved when employers offer an implicit contract to their employees that elicits specific, positive behaviors aligned with the organization goals."


HRM Review Magazine, Employee Engagement, Management Development, Customer Management, Gallup Organization, HR Management System, HR Strategies, Customer Orientation, Indian Companies, HCL Infosystems, Global Studies, Training and Development, Tata Tele Services.