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HRM Review Magazine:
e-HR : The Source of Competitive Advantage

Escalating business imperatives in recent times are forcing HR departments to adopt innovative, real-time and interactive HR transaction and delivery systems. Besides, effective management of HR is increasingly turning out to be a source of competitive advantage for organizations. E-HR has emerged as a sustained trend and source of innovation at both strategic and operational levels. E-HR uses the conventional IT and web-enabled technologies to develop HR systems and deliveries. The implementation of an e-HR strategy can have far-reaching benefits including enhanced service delivery, better productivity and cost savings. It also helps maximize a companys progress toward a knowledge economy and increased shareholder value.


Effective management of HR is increasingly becoming a source of competitive advantage for organizations. There are eight important trends, which impart both challenges and opportunities to HR professionals today. The increasing role of Information Technology (IT) in HR to meet these challenges is leading to improved benefits. According to the author of this article, given the widespread availability of technology, a company lacking in this component will not qualify as an employer of choice for the emerging workforce. The article states that technology helps HR assess opportunities, manage risks, take actions and communicate with employees, thus, making it easy to measure performance and tying it to the overall business objectives.

Leveraging technology helps the HR department to contribute as a strategic business partner by using enterprise portal gateway as a primary HR tool for establishing a common image, culture and branding; establishing self-service and extending HR-related collaborative applications to the workforce to empower employees for doing their job-related transactions easily; using workforce analytics to manage human capital, calculate its value and align it for maximum productivity; and using e-learning as a tool for workforce development on an ongoing basis.


HRM Review Magazine, e-HR, Effective Management, Web-enabled Technologies, Information Technology, IT, Leveraging Technology, E-Learning, E-Performance Management Systems, Knowledge Management, e-business Technology, Self-service Applications, American Family Insurance, Return on Investment, RoI, HR Outsourcing, HRO, Employee Relationship Management, ERM Model, Human Resources Information System, HRIS.