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Advertising Express Magazine:
Advantages and Management of Corporate External Blogs

Corporate External Blog generated by the Internet is one of the revolutionary tools for the marketing community. Many corporations have their external blog and others will have their internal and external blogspheres in the near future. This article describes various advantages like an organization's interactivity with prospects, viral marketing, consumer generated marketing, etc. by creating corporate external blogs. It also deals with the essential launching factors for creating a corporate external blog and peeps into the components of strategy for operating this type of blog. The author also briefs about the maintaining, managing, monitoring and measuring methodologies for corporate external blogs.


The Internet brought with it tens of revolutionary communication media for mankind, in general, and the marketing community, in particular. One of the revolutionary phenomena of the Internet is blogging. According to an estimate, there are 35 million blogs, 55 million bloggers and, everyday, bloggers write 1.2 million articles on blog sites. This trend is expected to multiply in the near future. The impact of blogs on our modern society is far more than what we talk or discuss. Sensing the significance and magnitude of the effect of this new but reachable everywhere media, business houses started establishing their own websites, and now the latest buzz is to have their own corporate blogs. The corporate blog may be within the conventional corporate website or it may be an independent blog site. The corporate blog is a Web log published by a corporate for gaining various human resources, business, marketing and branding objectives.

The internal corporate blog is meant for employees communicating with each other and it is used within the corporate blogsphere. It can be described as internal conferences of the employees without attending the conferences physically. The CEO blog is really a controversial subject and neverending discussions will emerge on this subject. The CEO blog may be internal blog or external blog. In the product or service-oriented blog, the bloggers can participate for the product-related subjects of the organization in the product or technical corporate blog.


Advertising Express Magazine, Corporate External Blogs, Communication Media, Corporate Blog, Corporate Strategy, Business Organizations, Brand Awareness, Viral Marketing, Customer-generated Marketing, Direct Marketing, Corporate Management, Organizational Ethics, Business Blogging.