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Advertising Express Magazine:
Branding : A Quintessence of Todays Business

Brands have become indispensable in every walk of life. The changing dynamics of consumer behavior and market demands compelled the marketers to provide customer solutions, innovatively, which led to the emergence of different trends in product branding and positioning in the marketplace. The end result of such branding activity is higher product visibility and increased awareness in the marketplace which generates surplus revenue to the corporate. The recent technological advance of wireless media/Bluetooth technology have made branding strategies easier and a great success. In short, branding has become the Holy Grail of today's and tomorrow's business.


The American Marketing Association defines branding as the process of making sure that perceptions of the customers about the company are shaped by a name, logo, color, form, symbol, design, or any other tangible way rather than by default. Branding has become more popular as it helps the company to create instant brand awareness, build brand image, attract the competitors' customers much easily and bring in profits. Many marketing connoisseurs have appreciated the fact that the brands are the vital blocks in building and upholding competitive advantage in the marketplace. If companies want to be ahead of such competition, it is a prerequisite to take an energetic role in determining the customer's perception and its product prospects in order to ensure its products' acceptability in the customer's mind. Hence, effective branding is a prerequisite in today's competitive business scenario.

The companies that engage in branding measures achieve enhanced performance with regard to customer satisfaction, loyalty and income.To accomplish such results, the companies had to offer their customers a superior and an absolute set of solutions that satisfies their expected and unperceived needs and wants. Business firms, to attract and to retain customers, are trying to adopt branding strategies that penetrates into every walk of the customer's life. For example, the range of Tata's products right from bath soaps, Westside clothes, cell phones, food products to cars and Tata insurance.


Advertising Express Magazine, Bluetooth Technology, Business Firms, Globalization, Privatization, Customer Loyalty, Brand Equity, Branding Strategy, Brand Loyalty, Brand Equity, Brand Gendering, Corporate Brands, Multinational Companies, MNCs, Emotional Branding, Marketing Strategies, Lifestyle Marketing, Brand Management.