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Advertising Express Magazine:
Destination Branding : A Conceptual Framework

Destination branding is not simply a practice of developing a symbol or a sign. It is all about identifying and communicating the distinctive components that have greater impact on consumers in order to retain them. This article speaks about the concept and significance of destination branding and how a particular brand is retained in the minds of consumers. It also throws light on some country-wise examples.

All products need a branding endeavor to beat their competitors and draw the attention of customers. Destination branding is about how customers identify and retain a particular destination as a brand in their minds. It differentiates a particular nation from other nations by emphasizing its unique identity, characteristics and personality. It is all about identifying the distinctive components of destination branding and communicating these components through some of the brand components.

Destination branding is a process used to develop a unique identity and personality that is different from all competitive destinations (Morison & Anderson, 2002).


Advertising Express Magazine, Destination Branding, Economic Development, Brand Management, Brand Culture, Brand Loyalty, Destination Brand Websites, Brand Building Campaigns, Incredible India Campaign, Domestic Tourism Programs, Marketing Environment.