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Advertising Express Magazine:
Effective Online Advertising

A growing trend of avoiding advertisements on traditional media coupled with proliferation of technologies in the form of the Internet has led to many new developments in the field of advertising. Online advertising is one such form that is slowly displacing the traditional media of advertising. Advertisers, taking cue from the increased tendency of people to spend more time on the Internet, started using new advertising strategies to reach their target audience. However, a few challenges such as unequal distribution of access to the Internet throughout the world, demand-supply gap for advertising professionals, spurious ways of duping advertisers, etc. pose a threat to this newly flourishing industry.


Media consumption habits are fast changing in recent times with the growth of Internet and Web technologies. There is also an increasing tendency among people to avoid advertisements in traditional media. This tendency is more visible in the case of television media. Television viewers, during regular ad breaks are either switching over to other channels or doing something else to skip the ads. Similarly, the fate of advertisements on other traditional channels such as print, DVD, radio and outdoor advertising is also the same with more and more people showing a tendency to avoid them. On the other hand, Internet consumption is growing rapidly.

About 1,09,35,29,692 people in the world have access to the Internet. A number of people are spending their time increasingly on the Internet during work hours as well as leisure. They are logging onto the websites of various companies or search engines in search of relevant information to meet their work demands. They are also increasingly using the Internet for spending their leisure times by engaging in playing online video games or engaging in chatting or e-mailing. On an average, the time spent on the Internet comes to about one-fourth of their weekly media time, which is second to the time spent on television media.


Advertising Express Magazine, Online Advertising, Web Technologies, Advertising Strategies, Internet Consumption, Search Engines, Online Video Games, Outdoor Advertising, Traditional Media, Cable Television Channels, E-mail Advertising, Rich Media Advertisements, Internet Advertising, Internet Browsers.