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Advertising Express Magazine:
Savoir Faire : An Essential for Brand Management

This article endorses a number of aspects of the existing brand theory and provides a comprehensive model for thinking about how brands as well as customers behave. It shows why marketing must be integrated across all media, consistently over time, and incorporative of all brand touch points and tries to establish some eye-opening relationships between brands and their creators and marketers and comes up with suggestions to have a proper configuration in the minds of the consumers. It also sheds new light on the importance of other techniques for gaining access to the mind: Permission, Differentiation and Relevance, being three of the most important of these.


To us, academicians, it has been taught by eminent professors, having "Rock-Turning Approach", to define the subject. Therefore, to begin this article I thought of defining the term "Branding". But to a layman, it is still a word of mystery.

Whenever the word "Brand" is uttered, somehow people relate it with the reputation of a product in the market. A more realistic approach to understand the brand might be to contrast it with the physiology and psychology of the human beings who are the creators of this oft discussed and highlighted subject in the zone of marketing and advertising.

Reputation is about everything a company does, wherever and whenever it does it. It is projected by all messages emanating from that company, its associates and its entire staff. Reputation is more or less like perception, it might not be exactly real, but it depends upon the person who perceives it. And as people have their own unique persona so do the companies. When a company works in different countries, with different types of people, belonging to different cultures, it becomes imperative for the company to work as per the expectations and needs of the environment to have a consistent and successful presence without any lapses. Brand reputation is to make the product figure in the minds of the customers in a beautiful way so that the customer develop a love affair with it.


Advertising Express Magazine, Brand Management, Rock-Turning Approach, Brand Reputation, Reporting Technology, Brand Equity, Communications Channels, Marketing Operations, Brand Loyalty, Brand Perceptions.