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Advertising Express Magazine:
Future of Mall Retailing in India: A Reality Check

Mall Retailing has become a new phenomenon in the lexicon of the Indian retail sector, which is fueled by the growing aspirations and buying power of today's generation. An ideal combination of shopping-cum-entertainment lures consumers to enjoy this type of retailing. However, an array of questions are raised about the robustness of this model of retailing in providing profitability and value proposition to the participants (sellers and buyers). This article aims to discuss those factors that govern the future of this retail model and the appropriate measures to be taken to strengthen the effectiveness of this model, which could be mutually beneficial to sellers and buyers.


Mall Retailing is an alien concept which has been borrowed primarily from the US. It is a unique combination of retailing that lends entertainment value to shopping which is different from the conventional shopping model. The conventional shopping model embraces the serious shopping mode wherein consumers usually have definite products/brands in mind before venturing out for shopping. Under this model, the consumers would be aware of their shopping destinations which provide the required products/brands. This could curb the possibility of browsing and trying out new products launched in the market. This would also pose challenges to marketers to test the market with their new products as the consumers prefer sticking to the existing product choices/brands. Moreover, serious shopping lacks the thrill and enjoyment of purchase, as very often the consumers end-up exhausted after the shopping. This could curb their ability to browse for new products which would have a direct impact on marketers of new products.

To overcome these issues, the concept of mall retailing had been launched to provide entertainment experience of shopping to consumers who could do serious shopping as well as enjoy the experience. Hence, large malls started emerging in different parts of the US, beginning with urban areas and moving to rural areas, focusing on providing entertainment and shopping experience to consumers. These malls house the proposition of retail outlets and entertainment centers. At present, there are around 50,000 shopping malls in the US. In India, the concept of mall retailing is rapidly spreading in urban areas, especially metros and tier 1 cities. Here, the mall retailing model has a primary focus on entertainment which is embodied with multiplexes.


Advertising Express Magazine, Mall Retailing, Indian Retail Sector, Conventional Shopping Model, Corporate Houses, Business Models, Business Entities, Mall Retailing Model, Socio Economic Classes, SEC, Retail Outlets, Multiplex Malls, Entertainment Zones.