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Advertising Express Magazine:
Medical Tourism in the Digital Era

This article outlines the significance of medical tourism and also explores the possibilities of enhancing foreign exchange of India by attracting foreign patients to our country by offering them quality healthcare packages at incredibly low costs, coupled with tourism. It also touches upon the trends in this industry in other countries so that the experiences of other countries can be used as lessons/eye-openers for our country.


Health is wealth! So goes the adage, which is very apt for all of us living in this digital era, because without sound health we cannot achieve anything in our life, nor enjoy whatever we have. One of the surveys conducted by a leading daily recently revealed that of all the divine blessings we seek daily, 90% of the people pray to God to bestow them with good health. Being hale and hearty occupies primary place in their daily prayers, pushing aside the desire for good job, earning lots of money, etc. as secondary concern. At this juncture, all of us are interested to know the far-reaching implications of Medical Tourism (MT), which is catching up at lightning speed across the world. MT is a term used to define the effort to attract patients for health and medical treatment coupled with tourism from other countries to the home country. The medical tourism industry is witnessing phenomenal growth in the world.

In India, the rate of growth in this industry is tremendous compared to other Asian countries. A combination of three vital factors viz. Quality, Availability and Cost have been instrumental in kindling the unimaginable growth of this sector in our country. Table 1 shows the key drivers of Indian medical tourism industry.


Advertising Express Magazine, Medical Tourism, Health is Wealth, Indian Medical Tourism Industry, Competitive American Private Sector Project, Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation, TTDC, Health Sectors, Confederation of Indian Industry, CII, Policy Frameworks, Healthcare Services, Government Departments.