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Advertising Express Magazine:
Sensory Branding : A New Wave in the Ocean of Branding

All our understandings and perceptions are the end results of our senses. From the sight of a rising sun to the scene of a moonlit night, our senses tell us where we are. In much the same way, our senses also inform and influence our buying experiences. They provide the milieu by which we form opinions and personal connections. This article makes an attempt to explain the recent wave of sensory branding in the ocean of brand management and comes up with the modus operandi of sensory branding to establish a vivid understanding of the new theme.


Old brand builders believed it was all about a logo and some emotions around it. I think it is more holistic—a combination of smell, touch and sound to create a point of difference.

The first age of brands is the age of differentiation. In the second age, the brands supplement the product. In the third age, brands acquire greater sovereignty. They are a blend of information, entertainment, experiences, images and feelings. A successful brand is a conglomerate of marketing resources, and represents valuable marketing assets. It provides a strong platform for their future strategies. The buyer decides the ultimate value of a brand. Marketers start the branding process, communicating the added values to the target audience and the buyers develop the mental image of a brand, which may or may not tally with their perceptions.


Advertising Express Magazine, Sensory Branding, Brand Management, Marketing Assets, Marketing Resources, Shopping Environments, Brand Revolution, Brand Sensory Wheel, Brand Sense Connection, Brand Communication.