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Global CEO Magazine:
Leadership in learning organizations : Situations that may enhance learning in organizations for the global CEOs

There are a multitude of opportunities for the global CEOs of today to enhance their organizations. One paramount consideration for them is to create environments conducive to enhanced learning within the organization - in essence, create learning organizations that augment, support and embrace learning. The global organization may realize profound cultural benefits through creating environments where learning is a paramount consideration. One avenue of consideration is to create environments conducive to autonomous learning in the global organization where learning endeavors are designed and practiced throughout the entire organization. This scenario can be described as bottom-up learning where the employees and other citizens of an organization influence the upper-managers as well as the leaders of the organization. The implications for this type of learning organization may prove to be a consideration for the global CEOs.


Before one begins a discussion related to any organization it must be prefaced that all organizations consist of people. Organizations have often spoken about the absence of people who comprise the organization; but in actuality it is the people who are the organization. Each of these people have desires, goals, and dreams for themselves as well as their role within the organization; and the organization as a whole. Many of these dreams and aspirations are associated with the goals and strategic outcomes of the organization itself. It is of paramount importance that the global CEOs of today's organization consider the goals and aspirations of the people who comprise the organization in concert with the goals and strategic outcomes of the organization. Likewise, it is important for the leaders of the organization to embrace learning throughout the organization. It should be kept in mind that learning is a construct that is highly subjective; and this construct relates to different types of learning endeavors. The leaders of organizations to operationally define the types of learning endeavors may have to enhance the bottom line as well as the wellbeing of all the employees present within the organization. It is however beneficial for all persons associated with the organization to become lifelong, autonomous learners during this process-people who are accomplished learners are mire valuable to an organization on many levels.

One avenue for consideration by the proactive global CEOs is creating an environment conducive to autonomous learning within the organization. Autonomous learning is a construct defined by Confessore (1991) as a behavioral syndrome of the conative factors associated with how an individual learns-these conative factors associated with autonomous learning are: Desire, initiative, resourcefulness, and persistence. These conative factors also play a profound role in the organizational context.


Global CEO Magazine, Learning Organizations, Global CEOs, Global Organization, Autonomous Learning, Organizational Context, Global Learning Community, Product Loyalty, Organizational Grapevine, Organizational Goals, Decision-making Processes, Organizational Environment.