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Global CEO Magazine:
The brand new HRMS

Modern HR Management Systems carry more potential with them when compared to their earlier versions. What was confined to automation of routine HR processes/functions like payroll administration, benefits management, application tracking, time and workforce tracking, etc., have now included both tactical and strategic HR support functionalities.


Most professionals and practioners do know very well about the revolution that Information Technology (IT)-enabled practices have created in the business world. And this revolution did not just confine itself to the transformation of core business functions. It spread to a lot more other important functions like HR. The technology practice of HR i.e., Human Resource Information System (HRIS), which is aimed at automation of routine HR operations/functions through an integrated approach helped the HR professionals to keep track of all types of information relating to their firm and workforce. Such IT intervention in HR departments not only impacted the bottom line through improved efficiency, but in fact, it has empowered the HR professionals with capabilities to effectively plan, coordinate and control various HR functions ranging from recruitment to retention of workforce.

At present, the entire corporate world is aware of the continued transformation that's taking place in HR departments of forward-looking firms. Reacting to new business trends and challenges, the revolution in HR function has continued further in recent years, altering and widening the outlook and scope of HR management systems respectively.


Global CEO Magazine, Modern HR Management Systems, Information Technology, Human Resource Information System, HRIS, HR Departments, Human Capital Management, Internet Technologies, Workforce Process Management, Organizational Management, Global Firms, Performance Management, Learning Management, Organizational Culture.