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HRM Review Magazine:
Advancement of People Management : A Review of Changing Culture

People management has been an integral part of progress from the Stone Age to the present times. The environmental and economic changes have led to major changes in the profile of the employee. The industrial revolution and technological advancement brought in a steady evolution. People management changed as per the circumstances and the needs of the times. The journey has been an extensively beautiful phenomenon in itself. The article researches and reviews the aspects in brief.


Organized endeavors in people management have existed for thousands of years. The function of directing, planning and controlling of the working people has been an integral part of progress. Since times immemorial, approaches with either a "unitarist view"—which believe that the workplace is one happy family with a common goal—or a "pluralist view"—which believes that there are people with a variety of views and beliefs and they all have to be driven towards the company goals—have been practiced and experimented with. The existence of the human being surrounds around work and movement and, therefore, the practices have been propelled by this important fact. The human being either works for himself or for another. During the Stone Age, man worked for food, and as civilization crept in he worked for clothing and thereafter housing to escape the wrath of nature. This is the fundamental truth since the early history of mankind.

With the initiation of movement across the seas, there grew the distinct class of "haves" (Lords) and "have-nots" (Slaves). The slaves worked for the "haves" and suffered throughout their lifetime. Many of our monuments, which we consider as our heritage today, have been constructed by such workers. The Great Wall of China has been constructed and reconstructed through many dynasties and thousands of people have been engaged in constructing the same. The first dynasty of China was the Qin dynasty which started the construction in 221 BC. The emperor was known to be a cruel and tyrannical man who sent scholars and other thinkers of the time to work on the great wall. The amazing and unbelievable fact which has been noted is that more than a million people died building this wall.


HRM Review Magazine, People Management, Islamic Architecture, Taj Mahal, Industrial Revolution, Machine Power, Industrialization, Management Theory, Scientific Methods, Human Resource Management, Scientific Management, Industrial Sectors, Personnel Management, Total Quality Management, Mutual Goals.