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HRM Review Magazine:
Learning Organization: The New Face of Organization Culture

The concept of learning organization has become vital in today's business world, since the traditional business organization is not able to sustain itself in the ever-changing business scenario. A learning organization helps to build an organization culture which is appropriate for its long-term growth. This article highlights the concept of a learning organization and discusses how it can shape organization culture.


Learning is all about collecting new inputs in the form of knowledge and understanding, making sense of these inputs, and then using them effectively to increase the capability of a person. According to Chris Argyris, who popularized the Organizational Learning theory, learning in an organization occurs when all the members of the organization are learning agents, and respond to environmental changes, thereby resulting in a change of perceptions. There are different learning mechanisms in an organization, like training programs for employees, identifying needed employee skills and accordingly implementing changes, organizing meetings to share experiences, experiments, innovations, etc. Learning can also be adaptive or generative. Adaptive learning is easy and produces immediate results, but it does not help in solving the root cause of a problem. On the other hand, generative learning seeks an appropriate long-term solution to the problem. The root cause for a problem is discovered, and the system or process of work is modified so as to resolve the problem. This solution is a vehicle for learning.

A learning organization boosts all types of learning from all the available sources on a continuous basis. For instance, an organization may continuously work on improving its Total Quality Management (TQM); thus making learning to be its organizational culture. However, it is not so easy to learn because there are lots of hindrances which may come in the path of learning, like reluctance of the company to invest in training, personal agendas coming in the way of learning, companies being reactive rather than being proactive, etc.


HRM Review Magazine, Learning Organization, Organization Culture, Organizational Learning Theory, Total Quality Management, TQM, Business Process Reengineering, Organizational Structure, Business Environment, Information Technology, Brainstorming Sessions, British Petroleum, Organizational Development.