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HRM Review Magazine:
The Way Things are Done : Organizational Culture

Organizational Culture is an active phenomenon through which people jointly create and recreate the world in which they live. While creating an organization culture largely depends on the leader and his people and the approach to the industry they work in; sustaining or changing the same at various stages of growth in organization allows for better growth and productivity. What largely matters in organizational culture is how both the internal stakeholders and the external stakeholders of the organization experience and support its goals, mission and vision.


Most of the working hours of a human being engaged in any form of productive work is spent at work amongst people with divergent personalities and backgrounds. This main staple of mentally stimulating and, thus, physically satisfying working hours of a human being, provides enthusiasm for the person to change and shape himself and the society in which he lives. He would then like to ensure that he is safe at work, more productive, and able to enlighten oneself to achieve new heights.

This is possible when the organization, like the curdling of milk to make yogurt, allows that homogenous curdling to settle down, and provides a medium to make productivity happen. It allows for a certain set of values, beliefs and principles to shape the thinking of the persons, who work in the organization, to adhere to the organization's mission and vision.The understanding and acceptances of the importance of providing this non-tangible, yet very powerful medium, has gained acceptance over the last two decades and the growing importance is now felt in the last ten years or more. The medium that facilitates this to happen is organizational culture.


HRM Review Magazine, Organizational Culture, Organizational Goals, Hospital Environment, Employee Orientation, Organizational Behavior, Organization Leadership, Management Information Systems, Decision-making Process, Multinational Companies, MNCs, Information Technology.