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HRM Review Magazine:
E-Recruitment : A Growing Arena of Job Portals

Information Technology and Internet have changed the face of an organization. Never more has the concept of "boundaryless organizations" been more apt than in today's world. Internet has increased the reach of organizations both in terms of markets and manpower. This article highlights the impact of Internet on recruitment. It also discusses the concept of e-recruitment from the perspective of employers and job-seekers, and throws light on the growing world of job portals in e-recruitment arena in India.


There was a time when getting a job meant endless search of the situations vacant columns in supplements of various newspapers. That was the era when getting a job was no less than some kind of a miracle. Times have changedfrom the time of sundials to that of atomic clocks. Technology has revolutionized the way HR functions. The Internet has facilitated the creation of a massive platform on which companies across the world can advertise vacant posts.

With the sales of computers and laptops touching new peaks and the price of Bandwidth touching the trough, Internet usage is growing by leaps and bounds. This growth of the Internet is fuelling the growth of Internet access options. Information technology in its latest form is fast revolutionizing the thinking and working paradigms in organizations. This changing business environment is compelling HR managers to include the reach of Internet in their areas of operation. Internet technology is making deep inroads into the acquisition of human capital. There lies the realm of e-recruitment in an organization.

E-recruitment or Internet recruiting is the use of the Internet for attracting, hiring and retaining job-seekers. It uses the power of online resume search technology to help recruiters actively search for candidates on a global scale. Though e-recruitment initially began as a simple method for finding talent online, it has evolved to incorporate all aspects of selection. Now, organizations are using it to manage job postings, candidate applications and even conducting online interviews.


HRM Review Magazine, E-Recruitment, Human Resource Database, E-recruiting System, Information Technology, IT, Electronic Recruitment, Internet, General Elecronics, GE, Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of india, ICICI, International Trade Centre, ITC, Business Environment, Acquisition, Corporate strategies.