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HRM Review Magazine:
Leadership in Higher Education

In the recent past, concern over the for quality of education in India has been on increase. The unease is no longer limited just to educationists and educational institutions. The parents, employers, governments and many others are becoming just as concerned. In his recent writings on Indian education, Philip G Altbach, a noted educationist, avers that `a world-class country without world-class higher education is India's 21st Century dilemma'.


As will be the case in all facets of society, post-secondary education will experience profound changes in the next millennium that will have far-reaching implication for the people who should lead the enterprise. Specifically, the population to be served (i.e., the students) will represent more racial and gender diversity than in the past. According to Clark Kerr, "one of the greatest opportunities of the decade (2000-10)… will be the consideration given by management education to the welfare of what have historically been the `underserved elements' of youth from low-income families and underrepresented minorities."

In fact, the "minority-majority" will become a reality in many areas of the country; in addition, non-traditional students will outnumber traditional ones by an even greater percentage than in the 2000s. Consequently, the services colleges and universities need to be revamped. Moreover, for the first time in history, a majority of all new jobs will require education or training beyond high school, a situation that demands improved access to management education opportunities.

The shortage of quality teachers or faculty members will definitely affect the delivery and quality of instruction and research by the academics JH Schuster points out, "There is virtually no way that adequate numbers of suitably qualified prospective faculty members will be available prior to the end of this decade.


HRM Review Magazine, Leadership in Higher Education, Indian Education System, Management education System, Philip G Altbach, Leadership Development Programs, LDPs, Harold Enarson, Post-management education enterprisem, Clark Kerr, Management education administrators.