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HRM Review Magazine:
Lean Leaders :The New Face of Millennium Leadership

The role of leadership is vital in transforming an organization into a lean enterprise. Leaders are the key factor that guides and drives an organization in the path of success. In this process, the leader must have some unique qualities that can help in achieving world-class competitiveness. He has to act uniquely and innovatively by moving a step ahead of the traditional leadership roles. This innovativeness is nothing but the application of lean practices in the HR function. This article explores the concept of lean leadership in the millennium and also explains why it is important and how it is different from traditional leadership.


Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes. What will be tomorrow's business scenario and what needs to be successful? This is a critical question all the organizations face today. To answer this question, an organization needs efficient leaders. Due to highly complex business developments, managerial practices have been undergoing serious changes. Advanced practices have been implemented across the organization in all the areas, be it marketing or finance or Information and Technology (IT) or Human Resource (HR) or manufacturing. In this context, "Lean" approach is one of the major areas that attracts many organizations' notice.

What will be tomorrow's business scenario and what needs to be successful? This is a critical question all the organizations face today. To answer this question, an organization needs efficient leaders. Due to highly complex business developments, managerial practices have been undergoing serious changes. Advanced practices have been implemented across the organization in all the areas, be it marketing or finance or Information and Technology (IT) or Human Resource (HR) or manufacturing. In this context, "Lean" approach is one of the major areas that attracts many organizations' notice.

The remarkable changes in the competitive milieus necessitate the business community to seek a re-emergence and redesign of the sphere of leadership. However, this change has not been an overnight activity, rather a continuous process.


HRM Review Magazine, Lean Leaders, Human Resources, HR, Organizational culture, Organizational systemInformation and Technology, IT, Leadership styles, Toyota, Johnson & Johnson, J&J, Hewlett Packard, HP, Proctor & Gamble,P&G, General Electric, GE.