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HRM Review Magazine:
Servant Leadership

The command and control practices of leadership are no longer required in organizations. It is the servant attitude of the leader that makes the group successful. The following article concentrates on the traits and characteristics of the servant leader and shares the experiences of a few organizations/leaders which/who are practising servant leadership.


The word leadership denotes traits like command, control, discretion, etc. But this is just one of the styles of leadership. Servant leadership is another effective but different style of leadership which is in vogue. It is the type of leadership which is all about enjoying and leading the followers from behind.Serving others can be joyful, says Rabindranath Tagore. In other words, serving is the best way to gain trust from others and thus lead them. It is this idea that led to the concept of servant leadership.

The term servant leadership was coined and defined by Robert Greenleaf in 1970. It emphasizes the leader's role as a steward of various resources in the organization. Servant leadership is an approach to leadership development which encourages leaders to serve people while staying focused on achieving the objectives and goals of the organization. It is the tool where leaders find their true potential and moral authority to lead. Servant leaders keep the needs of employees ahead of their own. They feel by doing so the employees will be motivated to give their best to the organization. In course of time, those served become wiser and more autonomous.


HRM Review Magazine, Servant Leadership, Styles of Leadership, Rabindranath Tagor, Organization Goals, Financial Corporations, TDI Industries, Robert Greenleaf, Herman Miller Toro Company, Southwest Airlines, Organisational Behavioral Theory, American Mechanical Contractors.