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HRM Review Magazine:
Social Relations : Relevance to Human Resource Management

We, being social creatures, depend on social relations for our very existence. Thus, our inherent dependence on relations is expected in organizational environment too. Presence of "social relations" can mitigate many problems related to HR.


These days society and organizations are intertwined in such a way that it has become almost impossible to disintegrate them even hypothetically to judge one against the other. Rapid industrialization has marked the dawn of a new subject, viz., "Industrial Sociology", which is showing its presence in almost every sphere of industry and society. People, these days, are recognized by the organization they work for. Corresponding organizational culture is depicted through their day-to-day activities. On the other hand, being social creatures, people knowingly or unknowingly perform their jobs and interact organizationally with their social learning in mind. Different societies have different cultural backgrounds; when employees from different cultural background fill up HR pool, an enormous effect is observed on organizational behavior over a long period of time. That is to say both society and industry enrich from such coalescence.

Social relations should get due importance in organizations now. In India, where strong social bonding is considered relevant, people look for it even in the realm of organizations. Employees in India are yet to wake up to this. As in social domain, so also in organizational set-up patriarchal form of psychology of employer espouse barriers to adopting various HR strategies including social relations in organizations.


HRM Review Magazine, Social Relations, Human Resource Management, Industrial Sociology, Organizational behavior, Archaeologists, organizational environment, Tata consultansy services, TCS, HR strategies, Manufacturing companies, organizational change, Infosys, Wipro, Tata, Reliance.