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HRM Review Magazine:
Emotions with a Mind

Emotional literacy, which is largely based upon the inter-personal needs and communications, would lead to a higher emotional quotient which is most essential for success in relations and, thereby, in an occupation. Sciences have been developed to assess the emotional literacy and, thereafter, intervene and rectify the shortfalls.


When a bomb blasts in a place, there is an ele ment of fear not only in the neighborhood, but at every place. Every one is prompted to ask themselves questions like: `Could we be the next victim? `Who is behind the `bomb blast?' Is it the pent up emotion of an individual that has sought recourse to terrorism? These are probably the questions in all minds with no real answers. However, it cannot be denied that it is a display of emotions. Suicide, murders and laughter are all display of emotions. Emotional display is good for a human being, but it is the pent-up emotions that have a volcanic effect. They lead to disaster and cause considerable harm.


HRM Review Magazine, neighborhood, Emotional display, Research postulates, universal emotions, research concentrates, universal counterparts, physical demonstration, social institutions, social interaction, complicated, regulated emotion, social disapproval, circumstances, communication.