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HRM Review Magazine:
Employee Retention : A Major Concern to Organizations

The most challenging issue faced by corporates is to retain their employees as today's global workforce is more mobile than ever before. This article provides insights into employee retention strategies, measures and techniques to minimize the attrition rate and the role played by HR managers.


Emerging trends in today's fastchanging corporations are pointing urgently to the need that business and human performance experts must address not only survival and security needs, but also the higher-level needs for respect, recognition, achievement, and life-long learning. These workplace motivators and satisfiers are potent determinants of retention.

Retention is one of the important aspects of an organization. The subject retention deals about identification of human behavior and indicate their personnel feeling, it is a process in which the employees are encouraged to remain with the organization for the maximum period of time or until the completion of the project. A good employer knows how to attract and retain his employees. This is one of the hottest topics for corporate leaders of all fields in India and across the world.


HRM Review Magazine, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, AICPAs, Financial Services, Business Goals, Human Resources Management, HRM, Employee Retention Strategies, Business Goals, Career Development, Intellectual Property, Development Practices, Labor Statistics.