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HRM Review Magazine:
Social Networking Sites : Are They an Elixir for all the Recruitment Woes?

Social networking is transmogrifying the tone and tenor of the recruitment landscape and will be playing a crucial role in the years to come. This article throws light on how social networking sites are changing the existing paradigms in the job market space, their benefits and the flip side of using such sites for hiring purposes. It also details the action plan recruiters shall draw up to leverage on social networking sites and further enhance their recruitment exercises.


In the microcosmic world of busi ness today, human capital has emerged as the most valued, treasured and sound asset. Beyond any shade of doubt, human capital adds tremendous value to other assets of a business. Little wonder; companies are making an all-out effort to entice best of the talent available in the fiercely-competitive job market. It is not uncommon to see companies wooing the top-notch talents in their zealous bid to gain competitive advantage. Strangely job market today is inexorably caught up in a quagmire of paradox. The reason is not far to seek. On one hand, talent is scarce and hard to come by. On the other hand, there is a surge in demand for the talent. To exacerbate the matter further, the recruitment is proving to be a veritable logistics nightmare for the HR wing of many companies. Ballooning hiring cost is one of the vital concerns that is adding to the overflowing cup of woes of headhunters. The whole exercise of hiring has become a rigor mortis for HR fraternity. It is not only the extent of time, efforts, moolah, and energy that are expended on the mode of recruitment, but also the legion of test administered and various phases of interview conducted are driving the cost of hiring northwards. Many a time, companies hire a candidate in an unseemly haste, only to realize little later that a particular individual may not be a better bet after all.


HRM Review Magazine, Social Networking Sites, Human Capital, HCL Technologies, IT Companies, Online Community, Recruitment Program, Educational Qualifications, E-mail Marketing, HR Managers, Data Protection Act, DPA, Recruitment Decision, Social Marketing, Corporate Career.