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The IUP Journal of Computer Sciences :
A Novel Approach to Image Edge Enhancement Using Smoothing Filters

Image processing is a special form of signal processing which provides valuable information towards human image understanding. The most important image processing step in human picture recognition system consists of the edge enhancement process (Nick et al., 1988; Jin, 1990; Bin et al., 1993; Olga et al., 1999; Remzi and Rui, 1999; Ilya et al., 2000; Ben and Hamid, 2001; Li, 2001; and Day-Fann et al., 2006). Edges are the representations of the discontinuities of image intensity functions. For processing these discontinuities in an image, a good edge enhancement technique is essential. This paper proposes a new idea for edge enhancement using smoothing techniques. Various smoothing technologies are explored and implemented for comparing their performance with various threshold values. Comparison is done by qualitative approach, quantitative approach and computational complexity.


In the modern information era, digital images have been widely used in a growing number of applications and the effort on edge enhancement has been focused mostly on improving the visual perception of images that are unclear because of blur. In general, the popular edge enhancement filtering is carried out with the help of traditional filters (Nick et al., 1988; Bin et al., 1993; and Day-Fann et al., 2006). But these filters do have some problems, especially while enhancing a noisy image. Mainly focusing on the clarity of the image and the number of computations done for enhancing the image, we developed a novel approach. The edge enhancement done by smoothing filters decreases the complexity and also increases the quality of the image (Jin, 1990). The basic aim of edge enhancement is to modify the appearance of an image to make it visually more attractive or to improve the visibility of certain features. The edge enhancement technique enhances all high spatial frequency detail in an image, including edges, lines and points of high gradients. In this approach, the details of edges in an image can be obtained by subtracting a smoothed image from the original (Cheevasuvit et al., 1992). This subtractive smoothing method has been used as the simplest way to obtain high spatial frequency image and this method of edge enhancement makes the image brighter and real edges are detected.

Edge enhancement filters enhance the local discontinuities at the boundaries of different objects (edges) in the image. All the basic edge enhancement filters are based on first and second order derivatives (Ilya et al., 2000). Hence, this approach for edge enhancement requires more computations.

Here, we present a new idea for edge enhancement, wherein image smoothing filters are used for edge enhancement. In order to decrease the number of computations, we replace the differentiation mechanism with the integration technique, The image to be detected for edges should be smoothened by applying any image smoothing filter. From the original image, the smoothened image should be subtracted. The image smoothing filters, viz., mean filter, median, mode, circular, cone and pyramidal filters, are used in our study.


Computer Science Journal, Image Edge Enhancement, Smoothing Filters, Image Processing, Sobel Edge-detecting Filters, Laplacian Filter, Qualitative Basis, Gaussian Noise Model, Image Resolution Enhancement, Clustering Techniques, Digital Image Processing.