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MBA Review Magazine:
Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

With the explosion of the knowledge sector, the 21st century has become highly competitive. The knowledge economy has propelled world economic growth to new frontiers and industries are no longer what they used to be. In this new era, knowledge and innovation are the mantra for success.


When people pursue opportunities to achieve personal goals and to realize personal ideals, entrepreneurship comes into being. Entrepreneurship is what drives human lives to change for the better because entrepreneurs put their theoretical innovations into practice. Indeed, entrepreneurship is the result of combining personal creativity and business innovation. In the ubiquitous market economics, business innovation is a process that makes more efficient deals, lowers costs and adds value through the design, recombination and arrangement of dealing mechanisms. We can rephrase business innovation and entrepreneurship in this way: Through the mechanism of business innovation, entrepreneurs have to create their own unique business style to maintain their niche market. On the other hand, with the competition brought about by entrepreneurship, the efficiency is optimized and value maximized in the market, which has a direct influence on improving the quality of life. Under the drive of business innovation and entrepreneurship, intelligence and innovation are, therefore, invigorated to brighten human lives.

All blockbuster products and services are first born of creative ideas. In order to stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly rivaling global market, businesses first must formally cultivate environments of creativity. Here are some suggestions for fostering ingenuity.

Successful new products are usually associated with `idea-centric' creativity. The greater the number of creative and relevant ideas put forward, the more likely it is that successful new products will emerge. And real-life experiences often help to anchor and focus creativity for maximizing the number of actionable new product ideas that can be generated.

Creativity in product design and in business processes is growing increasingly important. The World Economic Forum held its 36th annual meeting in late April 2007 in Davos, Switzerland, of which the theme was: "The Creative Imperative". Sessions covered everything from climate change and political relations to corporate strategy and technological innovation. According to the Forum's program, "Business, government and social innovators are taking on new creative capabilities and innovation strategies in response to a rapidly changing global landscape."


MBA Review Magazine, Knowledge Sector, Knowledge Economy, Entrepreneurship, Business Innovation, Global Market, Corporate Strategy, Technological Innovation, Economic Development, Innovative Organizations, Market Economics.