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MBA Review Magazine:
Managing Change to Enhance Performance

Globalization has dramatically increased competition worldwide. Organizations are hard-pressed to equip themselves with the latest technology and advanced skills. The concept of total quality management has been recognized by many corporates in order to sustain themselves in such an environment. Managing and coping with this change demands a systematic model and approach, which would guide all managers of today to function effectively. Business performance today depends on building new models that would lead enterprises towards excellence.


Defining organizational purpose and mission is the most important and challenging task for any enterprise. Constancy of purpose and incorporating the philosophy of quality into the corporate culture is possible only through long-term quality program. The absence of a long-term program also affects constancy of purpose. Managers who continuously change their company and job may fail to recognize the purpose and focus on short-term programs. To tackle this, a sense of purpose should be instilled in the minds of each and every employee.

As Drucker says, "Defining what our business is always a difficult question and the right answer is usually anything but obvious." Changes, whether small or big, should be based on the purpose for which they are made. The key to the success of Sony is its basic purpose of "Never to follow others". Akio Marietta, founder, Sony, said, "Our basic concept has always been thisto give new convenience or new method or new benefits to the general public with our technology." It is due to this sense of purpose more than any other factor that Sony is successful in motivating its employees, and in accepting and managing change.

Change makes experience outdated. Managing change depends on how it is perceived. Perpetual opaqueness which is also known as the dominant logic of a firm is the major barrier for managing change. This is mainly due to the internalization of past experiences, and a formulated set of assumptions and belief. The only way to overcome this perpetual opaqueness is through unlearning and relearning process.


MBA Review Magazine, Globalization, Total Quality Management, Digital Networking, Corporate Culture, Total Quality Management, TQM, Enterprise Resource Management, ERP, Customer Relationship Management, CRM, Change Management Program, SWOT Analysis, PR Model.