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Effective Executive Magazine:
Inside the Head of a Head Coach : Researching Into Elite Performance

Talent and developing talent comes at a price. If that's what your organization needs, aspires to and if that's what you want, then learning from the experience of effective Head Coaches will add significant value to an organization passionate about performance. The provison is that you have to be prepared to pay the entry ticket and stay the course. Head Coaches are outstanding people, great human beings and living with and learning from these individuals is mutually challenging and enriching.


Researching into elite performance over 25 coaches and Head Coaches have been psychologically profiled and interviewed, including significant national and international figures and compared to CEOs and sales directors. The challenge is how elite performance is embedded in the culture of a club or country, so that it can move seamlessly from one group of outstanding players to another and how this can be applied to business. Part of the answer lies in appointing the right coach or coaches and in developing systemic elite performance. This is the secret of longevity, and initial findings suggest the learning can be transposed to business so that organizational health and market `domination' is not the whim of a few outstanding individuals or `killer products' but rather something that is embedded in the very soul of the organization, making it truly part of its industry's landscape. The answer is, the latent and real talent of the people at all levels in such an organization as they seek to turn dreams into reality.

Talent matters more than ever at this level in sports. And not just as a player. Make the wrong decision and select the inappropriate high profile figure as Head Coach and it can become a national or local saga and soap opera. International and national sports can be brutal; make no mistake winning counts and unlike most businesses there is a clarity concerning results. There is no hiding place.


Effective Executive Magazine, Elite Performance, Organizational Health, Professional Rugby, Emotional Intelligence, Performance Culture, Bureaucratic Blamestorming, Creative Bonus Schemes, Leadership Styles, Six Sigma Program, Organizational Productivity.