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HRM Review Magazine:
Employee Monitoring and the Myth of Employee Privacy

Employee privacy is an important component of a trusted workplace. Companies hold a wide range of employees' personal information, some very sensitive. New technologies facilitate information transfer and monitoring of employee activities, communications, and resource use. The article discusses nuances of this issue of employee privacy.Anand Raj was irritated. "How could his boss be so insensitive and such a convenient turncoat?" he wondered. He still remembered the sugar sweet conversation that he had just a couple of days ago.

The Quarterly Parents Meeting was scheduled at 4 p.m. in his daughter's school and both the parents were required to be present. His boss knew about this even before he informed him! When asked, his response was very casual and he said that the routine screening of his mails and telephonic conversations had revealed this fact to him. Despite his best attempts, his boss didn't allow him to leave early that day. Instead, he said that though he understood his predicament, "we" had to set an example by working during the scheduled work hours and that it would send wrong signals to the workforce if "we" took time off at our convenience as evenings are anyway there for families, and all this with a smile pasted on his face all the while. And today, he was coolly told that he had to work from dawn to long into the night for the next one month and get the job-on-hand done.

His work encroached and preceded everything else in his life. Anand felt that there was no room for employee privacy. The magazines and the people everywhere made a big deal of the invasion of cell phones and the Internet, but he felt the entire work culture was such that the concept of individual privacy was now a redundant concept, and he was not sure if this was the right thing to have happened for the future of the workforce.


privacy, employee, information, concept, scheduled, workforce, communications, Companies, component, activities, convenience, convenient, conversation, conversations, coolly, couple, culture, daughter's, Despite, didn't, discusses, employee, Employee, anyway