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HRM Review Magazine:
When Employee Privacy Matters Most

Privacy policies and issues apply to the collection, storage, transportation and use of personal information obtained from customers, prospects, business partners, employees, job applicants and retirees. Building a culture of privacy will need a long-term privacy program. The article looks at various issues of employee privacy.Today, we live in an age in which information flows quickly and abundantly giving quality businesses a better chance to stay on top of things, effectively manage change and anticipate future trends.

Much of the improvement in the speed and availability of information is due to the advances in computers and growth of the Internet. However, our information and technology resources have a dark side that many have not yet realized. There is a hidden aspect that people are all too willing and able to exploit. This aspect speaks of invasion of privacy, the potential for which has never been greater than it is now and can only increase in the future. With rapidly growing complex situations in the modern world of business, there are several areas of concern. Most of the distress and anxiety seems to deal with privacy issues in the workplace, some with privacy in our personal lives, while others with privacy in both our work and our private lives.

A basic assumption, which is quite widely acknowledged, is that employers are custodians of a great amount of personal and private information relating to their employees. A related fact is that employees trust their employers in this connection and expect that their employers do the `right thing' with that information. Employees are always aware of the protection they seek from their employers and organizations in terms of maintenance of employee privacy, and they often perceive that there are many third parties who want to get to some of the personal information concerning the employees.


collection, complex, computers, concern, concerning, connection, culture, custodiansinformation, privacy, employees, personal, employers, issues, employee, aspect, business, future, private, availability, better