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HRM Review Magazine:
The Human Factor in Rewarding Employees

In today's technologically advanced workplace, Personal interface by the managers is replaced by computer interface. The article argues in favor of the importance of human interface in the process of rewarding the employees for better performance management.Seldom have we come across individual who does not respond to appreciation. In fact,
we consider such people as aberrations. Yet, how many of the managers are sensitive to this issue? Their number is hardly encouraging.

Most of them do not consider it to be a major part of their job today. The work schedules have become stiff with the increasing demands on productivity and employees are expected to act in a manner that benefits the company. Resources are thin, budgets tight, and in this training is the first casualty. This implies that an employee has to look within, rather than look up to the organization to enhance his/her skills.

The business environment today is characterized by speed and technology. Personal interface by the managers has been replaced by computer interface. The minimum personal interaction that a manager has with an employee is devoted to finding out the business details, and there is hardly any room left for the manager to find out whether an employee has done an exceptionally good job while carrying out his "task". The blessings of technology are a mixed bag.



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