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HRM Review Magazine:
The Human Resource Profession: Insurrection or Resurrection?

Human Resource as a profession evolved over a period of years. There were many stages in this process. This article identifies those stages of evolution and looks into each one of them in detail. In HR Magazine, Fitz-enz (1999) states that in "many companies, management does not see the value-added by Human Resources (HR) in effectively managing the human assets of the enterprise."

Add to this the provocative column by Thomas Stewart in Fortune Magazine of January, (1999), and we, as HR professionals, have a terrible indictment of the HR function, and more importantly, of the profession we practice. With the rush to cut costs, organizations are taking a very hard look at "support" functions, and they do not like what they perceive to be:

Companies have been downsizing and outsourcing the HR function, and many times, the head of HR is not running that show. He/She is acting as a pawn rather than an origin. Why is that so? Why do we behave the way we do? Rather than take the bull by the horns, we assume a passive (spelled resistive) role and let things happen to us.


importantly, indictment, January, article, management, managing, organizations, origin, outsourcing, passive, passive, perceive, periodcompanies, Companies, detail, downsizing, effectively, evolution, evolved, Fitzenz, Fortune, acting, functions, happen, identifies,