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Advertising Express Magazine:
What Exactly Does Sex Sell?

This article examines some principal observations regarding sex as a marketing tool in today's world. It emphasizes the strengths and weaknesses of this topic as well as the trends that seem to develop in advertising with regard to this phenomenon; and ends with a concise listing of a few conclusive observations.

It all seems to depend on how one perceives this topic and what criteria are considered to be at stake. For Italian tire giant Pirelli, for instance, the famous Pirelli calendar, which emerged in its current design in 1964, has grown into such a successful marketing vehicle, that this tool overshadowed the entire product it was initially designed to promote. The philosophy behind the calendar was, and still is, a valid one: Men love women, and are, thus, attracted to every alluring image of this species. However, the Pirelli calendar, a limitedly produced, and non-sold product from the company, is now seemingly doing better as a sales item than Pirelli's real products.

One of the first issues that surface in this point of discussion that has been intriguing scholars and practitioners alike, is the question: What, exactly does sex sell? Many critics assert that it is mainly the source in which the sex act or object is presented that sells, and that the public tends to forget the product that was intended to be promoted through the sexually stimulating image.

According to various observers, the current generation of 20-plussers has been offered sex on a silver platter for much too long. The Internet may be considered the main reason for sex to become less attractive as a sales tool nowadays: This medium has made porn so easily and readily available, that slight and suggestive pieces of nudity are not cutting the mustard anymore. After all, if you can download the kinkiest, wildest manifestations of sex in one click, with no delay, and at no charge, why would you wait all night for an ad with one vaguely appearing nipple to come around?



Marketing tool,advertising, current design,successful marketing,alluring image, intriguing scholars, stimulating image,current generation,readily available, wildest manifestations .