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Advertising Express Magazine:
The Challenges of Private Label Branding in India: A Socratic Enquiry

The Socratic method is built around asking questions beginning from feigned ignorance, progressing to conversation and ultimately drawing out implications. Sushobhan Mukherjee of Publicis attempts to enlighten the reader about private labels through this dialog.

This dialog is between three marketing managers; O, P and Q; at a workshop to discuss trends in branding and retail. For purposes of ease, they are all classified as males. O: I wonder why Private Labels occupy such prominence in management literature. From McKinsey Quarterly to Interbrand, each consulting firm has a practice devoted to Private Labels. Do you think they are at all relevant to India? I do not believe so. P: From what I read, Private Labels began as a response from chain stores like Wal-Mart, to provide products equivalent to those of higher priced branded goods from large companies. Typically, these would be 25-30% cheaper in price while being broadly similar in quality and delivery. In fact, Equate, one of the store brand of Wal-Mart, is among the top sellers in every category it operates in. Q: Wait a minute.



Socratic method,implications, feigned ignorance, progressing, branding and retail, Private Labels, marketing managers ,management literature, individual retailers, retail environment, branded goods .