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HRM Review Magazine:
Indian Wisdom on Human Behavior and its Superiority over Transactional Analysis

Organizational Behavior studies the behavior of people in an organization. Though people have many things in common, every individual is different from the other in terms of behavior patterns. The philosophy of organizational behavior recognizes the individual differences between people, the basics of these differences and the scope for their improvement.

Human resource is the pivot around which all activities of an economy revolve. When human beings interact with one another, a social transaction takes place. Social transaction is a situation in which one person responds to another. The study of social transaction between people, named as Transactional Analysis (TA) was developed by Eric Berne, a renowned psychiatrist, as a method of psychotherapy in the 1950s. The objective of TA is to provide a better understanding of how people relate to each other so that they may develop improved communication among themselves.

According to Berne, the parent ego state is the result of conditioning of the mind that is brought forth in view of the messages people receive during their early childhood from their parents, elder brothers and sisters, teachers and other such authority figures. These messages are recorded in the minds of the child and these recorded messages mold the child's personality. The recorded messages become a source from which a person derives inspiration when he/she interacts with others from a parent ego state.

The adult ego state is the result of data gathering, data processing and data analysis. The adult takes the emotional content of the child and the value laden content of the parent to check them out in the reality of the external world. Alternatives, probabilities and values are examined before engaging in behavior. Thus, the behavior from adult ego state can be described as logical, reasonable and unemotional. The adult ego state has the capacity of problem-solving and taking rational decisions.




Indian Wisdom ,Human Behavior , Superiority , Transactional Analysis, Organizational Behavior , behavior patterns, Human resource, Social transaction, Transactional Analysis,data gathering, data processing , data analysis, rational decisions.