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Advertising Express Magazine:
Marketing : A Paradigm Shift

The business environment in todays world is changing rapidly. The forces within and outside this environment are continually reshaping and reforming to create a new surrounding that influences the economy, business, society, customers, governments, etc. The present study makes an attempt to track down the changes in business vis-à-vis marketing environment, with special emphasis being attached to digital revolution in the market space that has led to rethink, reformulate and redefine marketing in the backdrop of IT revolution. The study further addresses necessary structural, functional, and strategic adjustments in the organization, to accommodate modern marketing trend in the global context.


In today's business world, none is so dynamic as marketing. The very characteristic of marketing is to metamorphose. This transition is fast, ever changing and incessant. Thinkers and practitioners of marketing find no intermission to pacify them with a definite and long-run marketing plan to hold stay and tread on the slippery business turf. As rivals always try to destabilize the dynamics of market, to create an unsteady economic surface, an organization is forced to continuously reformulate its marketing strategy to stay afloat in the vicious business environment. Kotler (2003) viewed that in today's complex marketing world no one stays atop for long because the tip of the iceberg is extremely buoyant and volatile. So, it is enigmatic to put oneself into perspective vis-à-vis others in the borderless market domain.

Marketing is a journey. The journey began since the aftermath of Second World War in the 1940s. Organizations started to inculcate marketing concept in place of selling to respond to market requirements. Marketing intelligents ia in the 1960s coined the so called `verbos' concepts like identifying consumer needs, designing and developing products as per consumer wants and demands, fulfilling consumer demands faster than competitors, developing brand loyalty etc. Firms that tended to be market driven could anticipate customers' needs more accurately and fulfill their demands much better than competitors. Drucker (1954) opined that the only valid definition of business purpose was to create a set of satisfied customers. In fact, the then marketing concept was a subject matter of debate and discussions in business school academia, seminars, symposia, industries etc. In the 1970s and 1980s, these marketing vibes almost became cliché and blunted weapons in the armory of marketing experts.


Advertising Express Magazine, Business Environment, IT Revolution, Marketing Environment, Marketing Intelligents, Globalization, Logistics Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP, Customer Relationship Management, CRM, Total Quality Management, TQM, Supply Chain Management, Manpower Resource Planning, Cyber Marketing, Business Organizations.