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Global CEO Magazine:
Outsourcing in financial services Mitigating the risk

Being information-based, financial services industry is well-suited to offshore outsourcing. Outsourcing has the potential to transfer the risk management and compliance to third parties who may not be regulated. The risks involved in financial outsourcing are high, but so are the rewards.


Outsourcing has been in use, since 1970s, in the financial services like clerical printing financial statements and storing records. However, with the advent of information technology during the 1980s, financial services firms began to outsource a great variety of IT activities as means of lowering their costs and gaining faster access to up-to-date technologies. For instance, accessing software for producing internal reports and customer statements from a specialized vendor often provides significant cost savings and greater flexibility instead of developing and marinating that software in house. A recent study by Gartner indicates that enterprises in the financial services industry have shown a high adoption of outsourcing process compared to any other industry. According to the study, overall outsourcing adoption by large enterprises for administration services like HR, finances, and accounting administration, payment services etc., are about 20.6% while it is 36% in the financial services industry. Other demand management services (like marketing, sales, customer care etc.,) by large enterprises are 5%, while it is 8% in the financial services industry. These figures reveal that the higher the adoption by the companies in the financial services industry, the better the value proposition.

Financial services industry is well-suited to offshore outsourcing as these services are easier to outsource than material products because there is physical good flow to be coordinated with the information flow. Most importantly, outsourcing has the potential to transfer the risk management and compliance to third parties who may not be regulated and who may operate offshore. In many fields of the industry, business processes are highly repetitive tasks and can be standardized. Financial services companies provide a wide array of services to consumers and businesses, but generally characterized by as securities firms, insurance firms and banking firms. Though quite distinct in practice, these activities have several common features that might dispose them toward large degree of outsourcing.


Global CEO Magazine, Financial Services, Risk Management, Financial Outsourcing, Financial Statements, Information Technology, Financial Services Firms, Financial Services Companies, Fund Management, Risk Management Tools, Governance Mechanisms, Data Security Risks.