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HRM Review Magazine:
BPO: A Snapshot through the Lens of HRM

The success of BPOs hinges on the competence of their human resources. The outsourcing industry has evolved from being a peripheral player to strategic solutions provider to its clients. Given this shift in its profile, there is a need to have a re-look at the various HR-related dimensions in this sunrise industry. Evolving a set of practices which are unique to the industry will ensure better employee retention and productivity.


Think Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), think attrition. This is the prevalent view in the academic and industrial circles. But no issue can be looked at in isolation. Every act or every trend is an outcome of the larger picture that encompasses the industry-wide practices, the environment and a dynamic interaction of many subtle forces.

The IT-enabled services (ITES) sector witnessed a rapid growth in the country during the last decade. It has provided numerous openings to a large pool of qualified English-speaking youth. For once, career opportunities beyond the highly competitive professional courses gained visibility. But unconventional work hours, young workforce and high attrition rates have come to characterize this growing industry which is finding itself at the crossroads when it comes to deal with its people.

The BPO, though not a new concept, has gained credibility in recent times. With "Lean" and agile corporations becoming the need of the hour, BPOs offered a viable alternative to traditional processes. Cost savings and improved operational performance stoked the fire of the BPO sector and drew the corporate world to make this fad an enduring trend.


HRM Review Magazine, Business Process Outsourcing, BPO, Outsourcing Industry, Human Resources, IT-enabled Services, ITES Sector, BPO Sector, Corporate World, Product Development, Human Resource Management, HRM, BPO Companies, Open Communication Processes.