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HRM Review Magazine:
Fostering Innovation for Competitive Advantage

In a hyper-competitive environment where any core competence has short life, `Innovation has evolved as the latest corporate mantra. Innovation is about turning human knowledge and creativity into value. The Human Resource Department along with the top management is responsible for inculcating a spirit of innovation by creating a suitable culture, structure and climate in the organization.


The beginning of the 21st century witnessed rapid and revolutionary perturbations in the global economy. The shift to knowledge-based economy and the emergence of intense competition at the global level has created in organizations as an insatiable thirst for gaining an edge over their competitors. The global market is dominated by organizations that have been able to create, find and combine knowledge into new products, services and distribution methods, faster than others in the race. In a hyper-0competitive environment where any core competence is short lived, `Innovation' has evolved as the latest corporate mantra. The companies which have been able to change the rules of the game to gain leadership in their respective market segments are known to exhibit a strong focus on fostering innovation and creativity. Emphasizing the importance of innovation in future, Jeffery Immelt, CEO, General Electric, says, "The only source of profit, the only reason to invest in companies in the future is their ability to innovate and their ability to differentiate."

Mention `Innovation,' and people instinctively think about the R&D departments churning out new and commercially successful products and technologies. But being innovative does not only mean coming up with new products and services, it may also be observed in adopting new technologies from other fields, new ways of organizing and conducting businesses, new ways of marketing products and services, etc. For example, Dell Computer used innovative e-business systems linking supply side of procurement automatically with the online orders, thus becoming a leader in speed-to-market. Innovative firms are known to force change in their organizations. Change for change's sake is among one of the `Big Rules' at Sun Microsystems. Starbucks is known for deliberately pursuing the `Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals' (BHAG). And Intel constantly adopts business processes that will make its products speedily obsolete.


HRM Review Magazine, Innovation, Human Resource Department, Global Economy, Global Market, Marketing Products, Market Segments, E-business Systems, Organizational Culture, Learning Organization, Organizational Goals, Brand Equities, Organizational Structures, Project Management, Open Market Economies.