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Advertising Express Magazine:
Brand Cup 2007

This article, Brand Cup 2007, attempts to explore the marketing blitzkrieg that is synonymous with the ICC World Cup. As cricket is a passion for most Indians, marketers are shelling out loads of money and leaving no stone unturned to make the most of this opportunity.


The biggest cricketing event is already on in the West Indies where 16 countries are clashing against each other for the prestigious World Cup 2007. And now the battle has already boiled down to the second stage: the Super Eight. World Cup 2007 is, however, not just a game between teams playing their level best to win the Cup; it is a battle between brands that will be vying for every inch of consumer mind space. It is a slugfest for attention-seeking marketers to lure the audiences around the passion that runs deep in the Indian psyche. That is the reason this article has been called Brand Cup 2007.

While the association of cricket and brands is not something new, the advertising blitzkrieg and the fanfare around this World Cup are unprecedented simply because the number of brands competing with each other for the mind space of the audience has gone up remarkably. Advertisers and marketers are using innovative ways to reach out to the target group to maximize visibility and brand recall.

If one looks at the number of brands associated with the cricket World Cup, the ad campaigns around, the frequency of advertisements it will not be incorrect to consider it a Brand Cup 2007. Advertisers are shelling out loads of money to make the most out of this marketing fanfare and those who cannot afford to spend such huge amounts are looking at innovative opportunities.


Advertising Express Magazine, Brand Cup 2007, ICC World Cup, Consumer Electronics, LG Electronics, Return on Investment, RoI, Electronic Media, Indian Cricket Team, Indian Advertisers, Advertising Campaigns, Union Bank, Innovative Advertising, Celebrity Endorsements.