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Advertising Express Magazine:
Marketing : The Changing Paradigm

The rapidly changing business environment has changed the face of marketing operations. The increasing consumer demand for newer experiences, information dissemination, novelty in advertisement and branding has put marketing in the realm of consumers. Thus, marketers have to reach out to consumers in an innovative and attractive manner that differentiates their products/brands from competitors in the marketplace. Innovation and distinctness of a company in its marketing efforts will be the deciding factor, keeping it a step ahead of its competitors in ruling the market.


The changing business scenario of globalization and liberalization has changed the marketing concept significantly, resulting in the global village and `glocal' marketing. Though the practice of marketing is as old as civilization, marketing theory is very young and the definitions put forth by various marketing theories are

The performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer or user. (AMA, 1960) Marketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering and freely exchanging products and services of value with others. (Philip Kotler)

All the above definitions reflect the radical changes in the marketing objectives of American Marketing Association (AMA). Overall, it defines "Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, performance and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals alongside, servicing a clearly stated social cause of considered and expressed choice to the levels of prescribed success." Thus, to be successful in the marketplace characterized by tough competition for attracting and retaining the customers, it is essential for marketers to redefine their role as profit generators for an organization by simultaneously addressing social issues by effective use of knowledge and assets. To be well ahead of competitors, the organization has to devise marketing tools i.e., marketing mix approach in such a manner that it satisfies customer needs and wants through efficient planning of 4Ps—Product, Place, Price, and Promotion. To be more customer-centric with changing demands of modern business, the 4Ps are viewed in terms of 4Cs—the value to Customer, Cost to customer, Convenience/distribution channels, Communication of collaborative discourse.


Advertising Express Magazine, Marketing, Changing Paradigm, Business Environment, American Marketing Association , AMA, Organizational Goals, Marketing Tools, Proximity Marketing, Bluetooth Technology, Brand Management, Mobile Marketing, Mobile Banking, Multimedia Messaging, MMS, Marketing Strategy, Apple's iPod, Event Marketing, Ambush Marketing.