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Advertising Express Magazine:
Non-profit Brand Creating Social Equity for Corporates

As the new age is marked by trends such as privatization and globalization, the aspect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) needs to get the desired focus. Non-profit organizations with a special domain in philanthropic activities and charitable works have become useful business tools to promote the brand value of their parent companies. The latest trend for many Indian companies is to create non-profit foundations to demonstrate CSR. Behind the noble mission, the real intention is to enhance the brand value, costumer loyalty and reflect company values in tangible ways. Big companies like Indian Tobacco Company (ITC), Infosys, Wipro, Bharti, Satyam, Dr. Reddy's, etc. are enhancing their brand name through their respective non-profit foundations, which help them to build stronger relations with communities and stakeholders. With due course of time, they acquire their own identity and brand value by serving downtrodden people. This article highlights one such corporate social initiative and how this step helps the corporate to reach the economic bottom line.


CSR sometimes becomes a misunderstood concept because it not only contradicts the prime objectives of business, but also drains the revenue into zero profit investment zone. For a business person with a vision to multiply the money in all possible ways, corporate social responsibility becomes a question mark in business ethics. This concept is neither the brainchild of a single person nor of a single organization. That is why there is no unanimity in the definition of what constitutes CSR. The European Commission defines CSR as "A concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis". The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) defines CSR as "The continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to the economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large." Is it really required for business houses? How does it contribute any additional value to the company's growth, revenues, profits and employee retention? Why should corporates pursue CSR? These are some questions which strike our mind and we are searching for an appropriate answer.

After globalization, multinational companies started their operations and production base in different parts of the globe. At the same time, they adopted different influencing strategies to change the behavior of potential consumers. It is becoming a great challenge for the companies to maintain sustainability and viability of such big businesses. To tackle this problem, the knowledge-based economy has created a new business model to cater to ecological sustainability with an unprecedented stress on image merchandising. This new business strategy not only recognizes the importance of reputation capital for capturing and sustaining markets, but also reduces the investment risk and maximizes profits by taking all key stakeholders into confidence. Though business is an economic enterprise it is also a trust of the community, which must discharge its obligations towards the various sections of the community.


Advertising Express Magazine, Non-profit Brand, Social Equity for Corporates, Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, Indian Tobacco Company, ITC, World Business Council, Sustainable Development, Multinational Companies, Knowledge-based Economy, Business Strategy, Ecological Sustainability, Social Marketing, Corporate Sustainability, Global Economy, Gross Domestic Product, GDP.