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Advertising Express Magazine:
Proximity Marketing : A Conceptual Framework

Proximity marketing is a new form of marketing that takes care of mass marketing and one-to-one marketing; it aims at maximizing the involvement of the target groups. This article throws light on the meaning of proximity marketing, how and where it is used, its advantages, etc. It concludes with some examples of where and how proximity marketing works.


"It is a technique that by means of instruments and specific methods transmits information and establishes contacts with individuals and structures placed in the immediate vicinity of the sender." (Alfredo Martinelli - AD NetKosmos) It is nothing but localized wireless distribution of advertising content associated with a particular place. The distribution can be done by traditional localized broadcast or specifically targeted to devices known in a particular area.

It is one of the mediums used for proximity marketing. It is a short range wireless system supported by mobile devices. The process involves setting up broadcasting equipment at a location and then sending information which can be in any form like text, audio, video, etc. to Bluetooth devices between the ranges of the broadcast server.

In recent years, many new approaches to brand marketing and management have been devised due to the spread of technology and media. Earlier, brand marketing was done in terms of the traditional AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire and Action) model and its result being repeat action and loyal. However, with the advent of technology and usage of other tools like relationship database, CRM, etc. the validity of the traditional model has been questioned. In order to create more customer loyalty, one-to-one or individual marketing is largely followed.


Advertising Express Magazine, Proximity Marketing, Conceptual Framework, Cellular Phones, Wireless System, Bluetooth Technology, Brand Marketing, Brand Management, Customer Loyalty, Bluetooth Marketing, Bluetooth-enabled Devices, Proximity Analyzer, Web Services, Media Advertisements.