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Advertising Express Magazine:
Shock Advertising : Compelling You to Remember

Ensuring success at the marketplace characterized by cut-throat competition seems somehow impossible without effective advertising. Advertisers are always searching for innovative ways of gaining customer attention. Emotional issues are frequently being used in advertisements to stir up positive and negative feelings of the customers so that they can remember the advertisements for longer time. Shock advertisements can be thought of as the extension of emotional advertisements. Although shock advertising makes use of vulgar and disgusting images with offensive messages that violate norms and abuse morality, it is pretty effective as it creates controversy and attracts the attention of the public towards the advertisements and the company advertising the product.


As the world is moving faster than ever before where the market is full of cut-throat competition, advertising is more than a communication tool. Advertisements have a strong influence in our day-to- day life right from morning tea to bed-time. From browsing through newspapers in the morning, turning on the TV, driving past billboards, listening to the radio, to surfing the Net, it is difficult to keep count of the number of advertisements that we are subjected to every day.

Traditionally, advertising has been considered as a tool to promote products and services of a company. Advertising in its most traditional sense can be understood as a mode of promoting a product, make it known to potential buyers and persuade them to own it. In the case of governmental campaigns, advertising aims at informing the public about social issues and changing their attitude and behavior (e.g., anti-smoking campaign, polio vaccine campaign, AIDS awareness campaign, etc.).

At the same time, commercial campaigns aim to differentiate a product from its competitors' products in order to make it more striking to the target audience. It can also be used to enhance the company image and build brand equity over a period of time as well as build a distinct brand image and act as a potent brand differentiator offering sustainable competitive advantage. Brand image also helps a company to gain market share, command price premium and shield from discounting brands.


Advertising Express Magazine, Shock Advertising, Emotional Advertisements, Communication Tools, AIDS Awareness Campaign, Brand Equity, Controversial Advertising Campaigns, Non-Governmental Organizations, NGOs, Social Issues, Social Service Organization.