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Global CEO Magazine:
Effective leadership: A narrative research endeavor related to long-term organizational success

Effective leadership is a topic of paramount importance for today's global CEO. The construct of leadership is an elusive entity in its own right; however, the commingled construct becomes practically intangible when in concert with the construct of how one leads in an effective manner. This endeavor began as an inquiry about not only leadership but effective leadership with a focus on long-term organizational success. One premise of this endeavor was to refrain from operationally defining the construct for the reader but to provide the perspectives of current CEOs, company owners, workers, and leadership students alike so the reader may utilize the information and operationally define the construct for himself and apply the perspectives accordingly.


Before one can begin a conversation related to effective leadership, or the long-term particulars associated with leadership, one must operationally define the construct. It has often been the case that scholars, CEOs, and others have relied upon outside sources to operationally define the construct for them. Others may simply know what the term effective leadership means but they may not know how to measure it due to a loose definition of the construct. It must be noted from the outset that it is a predominant consideration for the leaders, administrators, and CEOs of organizations to operationally define the construct of leadership for their specific organization as a means of understanding the construct contextually.

A qualitative research endeavor was identified in an effort to better understand the attributes associated with effective leadership with a focus on long-term organizational success. The research design consisted largely of a narrative inquiry due to the nature of the investigation. The narrative research endeavor began with a Delphi panel of experts in the areas of organizational leadership, human resource development, higher education administration, business leadership and doctoral students. This Delphi panel met in a local coffee bar at the Oxford University in order to construct a pool of items for the research endeavor - as well as a strategy for the endeavor.


Global CEO Magazine, Effective Leadership, Research Endeavor, Organizational Success, Human Resource Development, Innovative Culture, Socialization, Leadership Development, Leadership Empowerment, Technological Advancements, Globalization, Social Learning Theory.