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Global CEO Magazine:
Islamic values, excellence and leadership

In this article, a university don speaks of certain key leadership lessons or principles derived from Islam, one of the world's most venerable religions. What is advocated is the pursuit of excellence and father leadership, an exemplary leadership style that shows care and concern. Teachers partnering with Muslim academicians and scholars, and community leaders educate and train the new generations to bring about greater understanding within the Muslim community. Muslim leaders too can indeed become positive change agents for their communities and their larger society.


In this article, the goal and objective is to show that Islam indeed stresses on excellence and leadership. It is intended to illustrate certain key leadership lessons or principles. Let us begin by defining the key words first.

Values are something close to our hearts. They are our convictions. Islamic values are thus something close to the hearts of the Muslims. They are their convictions or key beliefs.

Excellence means being better tomorrow than you were yesterday. Success means exceeding the achievements of other people. Excellence means matching your practice with your potential. Keathley (2007) also asserts that the pursuit of excellence "should not be limited by the nature of the task" (i.e., that one should pursue excellence no matter how humble or menial one considers the task to be) and "works against a half-hearted, drift along or go-with-the-flow kind of mentality."


Global CEO Magazine, Global Inflation, Central Banks, Apex Banks, Cash Reserve Ratio, CRR, European Central Bank, ECB, Globalization, Global Economy, Emerging Markets, Financial Crises, Macroeconomic Policies, Mortgage Markets, Housing Markets, Emerging Economies, Financial Markets, Gross Domestic Product, GDP.