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Global CEO Magazine:
Result-orientation and effective leadership

Contrary to popular belief, effective leaders need not represent any stereotype like being a great orator or having a charismatic personality. Rather than possessing certain traits, those who do certain things right, tend to achieve great success as leaders. It calls for a strong result-oriented approach, strategic thinking, implementation of shared decisions by involving people at all stages and by sharing credit, but not the blame. Successful leaders study the environment, scan it for opportunities and persuade those who are going to be affected by the proposed changes that it is both in their own and their organization's interests to adopt what they are suggesting. They handle `people issues' with sensitivity.


A person, who dons the leadership role, does so in the context of what he thinks is his mission to achieve through a group effort. He could be doing this all the time in different groups. In one, he may be a leader, a right hand man to a leader in another and a bit role player in a third one, depending on the circumstances, his own value systems and the existence of leadership or absence of it in the milieu. Thus, much of it could be situational and discretionary, because in some situations, one may choose to remain on the sidelines, either since the issues involved are not considered to be that critical to him or may be, because he is convinced that the matters are in safe hands. The groups may be social groups, a small team of diverse professionals coming together as a task force, a stable organizational entity going through its `cash cow' phase or an organization going through the throes of visible change which is crucial for its survival.

The challenges before the leader may very well be more complex in a social setting as compared to a corporate setting. One reason why there may be greater complications in the social role is that most of the members may have widely varying views on what needs to be done, how much needs to be done, who should do it and who all will pose for the photograph. This may very well be because of the widely different background of the members. Time and forum required to create consensus may pose serious problems. Any monetary reward or punishment system is unlikely to be in place to help the leader.


Global CEO Magazine, Result-orientation, Effective Leadership, Strategic Thinking, Corporate Leaders, Training and Development, Corporate Leaders, Cultural Practices, Multicultural Issues, Organizational Culture, Multi-cultural Environment, Indian Corporate Entities.