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Global CEO Magazine:
Yin and Yang of CSR : An action plan for CEO

The article examines in detail the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders in the domain of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Based on the literature available and the study of various contemporary issues concerning the topic, an attempt has been made to fix a working model that can be used by large enterprises which intend putting in place a long-term sustainable model of CSR in their enterprise.


Since business is a part of the overall larger environment, the company and their stakeholders, especially the employees and customers need to understand the `give and take' relationship between themselves and the society at large. In order to give good returns to its shareholders and to remain competitive in the marketplace, a company needs to provide quality goods and services at competitive prices. As this entirely depends on its employees, it becomes imperative that the company is able to attract and retain committed employees and motivate them to perform. When this happens, the employees contribute to the sustained growth of the company. This step of the enterprise creates a ripple effect in the community resulting in several smaller streams of activity and wealth creation further ultimately resulting in overall community development and thereby social development. This development further translates into higher purchasing power of people. Thus, a virtuous cycle is created. The article aims at highlighting that social responsibility is an integral part of the wealth creation process - which if managed properly will maximize the value of wealth creation to society and also makes business sense!

The model of CSR will be helpful to different constituents namely those who are unaware of the business relationship with CSR, those who are aware but do not know how to integrate community interests with their enlightened self-interest and want to make progress, and those who want to reinforce their efforts on CSR.


Global CEO Magazine, Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, Community Development, Social Development, Chinese Philosophy, Quality of Management, Growth Strategy, Sun Micro Systems, Business Opportunity, Business Enterprises, Health Insurance Scheme, NASSCOM, CSR Policy.