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HRM Review Magazine:
Team Leadership

Globalization has brought about many changes in the business environment. To survive in today's ever-changing environment, organizations need to respond adequately to market demand. Teams are one way through which an organization can respond quickly and adapt to these changes. To effect positive change, organizations require effective team leaders. This article discusses the various aspects of team leadership and how team leaders can facilitate the smooth functioning of the teams and the organization as a whole.


Organizations today are facing rapidly changing conditions with new technology, new structure, global economic competition, and increasing diversity, along with other changes. The organizational team structure is one way an organization can respond quickly and adapt to these constant and rapid changes in workplace conditions. Researchers are trying to find out the factors that led to successful functioning of these teams as well as focusing on the problems of work teams and how to make them more effective (Ilgen, Major, Hollenbeck and Sego, 1993). Research on the effectiveness of organizational teams has shown that building of teams has resulted in greater productivity, more efficient and effective use of resources, better decisions, better quality products and services and increased creativity and innovation (Parker, 1990). However, the failure of teams has underlined the fact that understanding of team effectiveness and team leadership is essential for contemporary organizations.

Delta Nadler has observed that 15% of managers are natural team leaders; another 15% can never lead a team because it runs counter to their personality. Then, there's a big group in the middle; team leadership doesn't come naturally to them but they can learn it.

The success of the team depends on an effective team leader. Certain skills are required in a team leader to make his/her team effective and successful.

The team leader is effective when he or she is a visionary. A vision is the most important aspect of making a team successful. Teams perish when they don't see the vision clearly. A visionary leader sets challenging goals and motivates the team towards fulfillment of these goals.

All teams must have their own common purpose, goals and approach. A leader has to contribute to the team's goals but also stand apart from the team as he/she is the leader. A team expects its leader to use this perspective to help it achieve their mission and goals.


HRM Review Magazine, Team Leadership, Business Environment, Harvard Business School, Interpersonal Skills, Decision-Making Process, Socio-emotional Processes, Global Economic Competition, Team Leadership Model, Contemporary Organizations, Effective Team Leaders.