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HRM Review Magazine:
Building a Global Competitive India

Building a competitive India is a challenge. Consumers look to global brands as symbols of cultural ideals. They use them to create an imagined global identity that they can share with like-minded people. Like almost every country, India too has welcomed globalization as a development paradigm with its entrepreneurial talents, skilled manpower and huge stock of scientific, technical and managerial people. But the mantra of the new economy involves acquiring the necessary skills to survive and thrive in the same. The challenge is to build a competitive India for global leadership.


We are living in a globalized era where preparing a competitive India for global leadership is a challenge. Currently India ranks 50th out of the total 117 economies evaluated in 2005-06. It is very important for India to become one of the 10 best performing economies in the world. Global competitiveness is critical for a successful assault and the attitude towards competitiveness is a barometer of self-confidence.

The world is changing fast and India lost out on the industrial age. Not be left behind in the knowledge age, catching up with the world and attaining eminence calls for creative leadership. International competitiveness is an essential pre-condition for global leadership.

Adaptiveness is best in systems where elements/pieces are optimally connected. So the challenge is to first observe and diagnose the latent socio-cultural perspective of society and see how the target customer fits there.


HRM Review Magazine, Global Competitive India, Entrepreneurial Talents, Globalized Era, Creative Leadership, Global Leadership, Global Brands, Transnational Companies, Intellectual Capital, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, IIFT, Chinese Brands, Knowledge Process Outsourcing, KPO, Indian Government, Foreign Markets, Distribution Network.