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HRM Review Magazine:
Organizational Strategies for Effective Stress Management

Stress is a negative consequence of modern living. While distress affects a person's physiological and psychological well-being, eustress refers to the healthy, positive, constructive outcome of stressful events. Many organizations do not have any formal process for handling concerns or grievances relating to stress. However, a number of strategies or initiatives are available to cope with work-related stress. This article focuses on a few such strategies, which may be adopted by organizations to prevent, minimize and overcome stress.


The American Institute of Stress estimates that work-related stress costs American businesses about $300 bn every year in lower productivity, higher absenteeism, low turnover rate, alcoholism, and medical costs. Today, chronic work-related stress is not just an American affliction. In India, over half of the call center employees feel so stressed out by the tough working conditions that they end up quitting.

"In human terms, depression, anxiety or a physical condition ascribed to work-related stress, on average, results in half a million people a year reporting stress at levels that is making them ill," warns UK Health and Safety Commission Chairman Bill Callaghan.

Stress is an adaptive response to a situation that is perceived as challenging or threatening to a person's well-being. Stress is a negative consequence of modern living. People are stressed because of overwork, job insecurity, information overload and the increasing pace of life. These events produce distress. Distress affects a person's physiological and psychological well-being and is associated with several work-related behaviors. There is also positive side to stress, called eustress, which refers to the healthy, positive, constructive outcome of stressful events.


HRM Review Magazine, Organizational Strategies, Effective Stress Management, Canadian Institute of Health Information, Japanese Government, UK-based International Work-Life Balance Expert, Organizational Strategies, Michigan Stress Assessment, Employee Assistance Programs, EAPs, Stress-Management Skills, Michigan Stress Assessment.